At Steding & Sons Mercantile, we firmly believe that pure kratom is a wonderful tea that many people may be able to benefit from. In order to help ensure safety, our product is always 3rd Party laboratory tested, for alkaloids, metals and microbiology. We NEVER adulterate our 100% pure kratom leaves. We believe this plant is wonderful just as it is and we hope you'll agree. Our founder, Jeremy, visits Indonesia regularly in order to inspect and encourage advancement in the processes and facilities of our parent vendors.
Our belief is that those using kratom for enhanced wellness and quality of life are best served by using kratom in moderation. Historical reports on long term kratom consumption refer to the natural leaf and/or tea brewed from the fresh leaves. Extract products have considerably higher alkaloid concentrations than the natural plant, so we encourage extra consideration when deciding whether to use extract products, and how often. We recommend you seek credible research and educate yourself about kratom in order to make the best decisions for your personal well-being.
At Steding & Sons Mercantile, we are kratom consumers. Many members of our team have found kratom products tremendously beneficial and we encourage conscious decision making and intention as you as you decide what role kratom should play in your life. Whatever your reasons for choosing kratom, we hope it will lead to an overall happier, healthier lifestyle. We hope you will eat right, drink plenty of water, exercise daily, focus on what you want, practice gratitude, be nice to people and generally kick ass at life! Thank you so much! NOTE: Many blends are made in house. All of the primary blocks are tested for pesticides before proceeding with production.
Point of Interest: Red/darker strains inherently have lower Mitragynine & consequently, lower total alkaloid percentages. During the drying process, many alkaloids convert into potent micro-alkaloids. These, of course, make up a smaller percentage of the mass, however the micro-alkaloids are thought to be responsible for the results often desired in red/dark kratom.